Rising PR, supported by the Arts Council N.I are pleased to announce a new free programme to help musicians develop their understanding of the music business.

The programme is open to artists and bands irrespective of genre and is facilitated by Rising PR director’s Brian & Matthew Jordan: Between them they have worked with some of the world’s biggest recording artists at their respective roles at Sony Music and Island Records.
The artist will receive a detailed plan which shall act as a road map to reach their short and long-term goals in music. Through a one-to-one consultation, the artist can gain knowledge in promotion, marketing, touring, streaming and social media.
The one to one programme and mentoring with Rising PR music professionals will cover the following categories:
- PR knowledge to establish and build an audience.
- Music publishing and copyrighting.
- Digital marketing and branding.
- Understanding streaming and playlists
- Tour pitching and live performance presentation.
Upon completion of the programme, artists will be equipped to progress their careers harnessing the knowledge and skills learned through the mentoring. Rising PR will carry out an appraisal at the end of the process for each participant and will assist in the completion of an electronic press kit that can be presented to radio and media outlets.
*Due to Covid-19 artists will have the opportunity to conduct workshops online through Zoom until restrictions are removed.
The programme can be undertaken during one session or at intervals depending on the speed of progress of the individual.
Preferable criteria will include:
- Over 18
- have a social media presence
- Ideally live in a rural community
Please submit your music here for consideration on the programme https://www.risingpr.com/music-submission
Supported by Arts Council Northern Ireland